World Beard and Mustache Championships 2009 in Anchorage, Alaska

Just in case you missed it, the 2009 World Beard and Moustache Championships were held on May 23, 2009 in Anchorage, Alaska. Surprisingly, the United States dominated the competition, winning 12 of the 18 categories and the overall champion, David Traver of Anchorage, is also American. He was the hometown favorite (and rightfully so!), and he is a member of the Southcentral Alaska Beard and Moustache Club (WBMA).

Also known as the”Facial Hair Olympics,” the competition got its start in 1990 in Germany. Germans typically dominate the competition, but this year it was the US that shocked everyone. There were almost 300 competitors, and those competitors represented 15 different countries. For full results, visit the official site of the World Beard and Moustache Championships. In fact, here are some links for further reading if you are interested:

  • Official Site of the World Beard & Moustache Championships (link)
  • CNN covers the 2009 Championships (link)
  • Beard & Moustache Championship page on Wikipedia (link)

Here is a beard and mustache champions photo gallery from the 2009 Beard and Moustache World Championships:

2009 World Beard Champion - David Traver
2009 World Beard Champion - David Traver
English Moustache Champion 2009 - Lutz Giese
English Moustache Champion 2009 - Lutz Giese
Freestyle Beard Champions 2009 - Hans-Peter Weis, Gerhard Knapp, Daved Traver
Freestyle Beard Champions 2009 - Hans-Peter Weis, Gerhard Knapp, Daved Traver
Freestyle Moustache Champion 2009 - Keith Haubrich (Gandhi Jones)
Freestyle Moustache Champion 2009 - Keith Haubrich (Gandhi Jones)
Full Natural Beard Champion 2009 - Jack Passion
Full Natural Beard Champion 2009 - Jack Passion
Fu Manchu Champion 2009 - Ted Stedman
Fu Manchu Champion 2009 - Ted Stedman
Imperial Partial Beard Champions 2009 - Udo Fritzsche, Karl-Heinz Hille, Mark Voermans
Imperial Partial Beard Champions 2009 - Udo Fritzsche, Karl-Heinz Hille, Mark Voermans
Natural Full Beard with Styled Moustache Champions 2009 - Bob Gengler, Bernd Popiak, Kyle McNair
Natural Full Beard with Styled Moustache Champions 2009 - Bob Gengler, Bernd Popiak, Kyle McNair
Natural Moustache Champion 2009 - Kees Lek
Natural Moustache Champion 2009 - Kees Lek
Sideburns Muttonchops Champion 2009 - Toot Joslin
Sideburns Muttonchops Champion 2009 - Toot Joslin
