Inspirational Quotes from a Wolf…and Gmork, too!

Inspirational Quotes from a Wolf
Inspirational Quotes from a Wolf

I can’t possibly take credit for this idea, but I certainly had to post about it on my blog. Sometimes inspirational messages and quotes are awesome. I enjoy them every now and then, but I’m pretty sure that they are always enjoyable (and maybe even more meaningful) when they are coming from a wolf. Here are this wolf’s inspirational messages:

  • Bite off more than you can chew – then chew it!
  • An obstacle is only something you haven’t torn through yet.
  • Nothing’s gonna stand in your way. Not tonight!
  • The world is dark when you’re depressed. You thoughts have the power to invent your world.
  • You were born a winner – You were the fastest sperm!
  • Depression breeds depression. Effort breeds success.
  • If you never give up, you never lose.
  • Don’t believe in yourself. Believe in me, who believes in you.
  • The doctor said it was cancer. I call it a challenge.
  • You are awesome. Go and prove it.
  • Even if you fall on your face,  you’re still moving forward.
  • You have no limits.
  • You feel alone, but someone is thinking of you.
  • Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
  • If life asks for your all, give it even more.

Again, I didn’t create these quotes. I just think they are awesome. Be sure to check out the source to get the full effect.

"People who have no hopes are easy to control." - Gmork
"People who have no hopes are easy to control." - Gmork

On a side note, doesn’t the wolf remind you a little of Gmork from The Never Ending Story movie? Gmork was a badass. Gmork had some awesome insights to share in his brief meeting with Atreyu. For example, he reminded Atreyu that “Fantasia has no boundaries.” That’s pretty useful information, especially for Bastian. I mean, Bastian needs to know that information in order to save Fantasia. Gmork even added, “People who have no hopes are easy to control. And whoever has control has the power.” Gmork was obviously a student of philosophy at some point. Wise wolf, that Gmork. Yep, he was a wise wolf, even if he did let the cat out of the bag regarding how to save the world of Fantasia. Well, it looks like I have derailed – and how!


Update: Someone left a comment, accusing me of stealing 4chan‘s memes. I first saw the Courage Wolf here, and I gave a link and credit to the source. Isn’t the spirit of the internet finding stuff and then writing about it and linking to it? That way, I’m promoting 4chan and the Courage Wolf. It’s not like I’m taking credit for the idea and then selling a Courage Wolf T-Shirt, like this company here. Calling me a thief is an over-reaction. This reminds me of the scene from The Big Lebowski, when Walter brings a dog to the bowling alley:

Walter Sobchak: Huh? Oh, that’s Cynthia’s dog. I think it’s a Pomeranian. I can’t leave him home alone or he eats the furniture. I’m watching him while Cynthia and Marty Ackerman are in Hawaii.

The Dude: You brought the fuckin’ Pomeranian bowling?

Walter Sobchak: What do you mean brought it bowling, Dude? I didn’t rent it shoes. I’m not buying it a fucking beer. He’s not taking your fucking turn, Dude.

The Dude: Man, if my fuckin’ ex-wife asked me to take care of her fuckin’ dog while she and her boyfriend went to Honolulu I’d tell her to go fuck herself.

Relax already. I’m staying. I’m finishing my cup of coffee.

On Sale in 2011: Air-Powered Car from Zero Pollution Motors

I enjoy science fiction, but I must admit that I’ve never read any of the works by Jules Verne. I know. It’s terrible, but I have never really taken to reading. I think it’s because books don’t come alive to me, as they did for Bastian Balthazar Bux (the kid from The Never Ending Story movie. Or was that a book? Sheesh!). Anyways, I always wished that reading would appeal to me, but I have not been hooked…yet. [Note: I’m hoping one day I will be a reader of many books. Sometimes I think reading is an acquired taste, while other times I just figure that it’s a lot like taste buds – they change over time. One day you love a certain food and hate another type. Five years later and there you are loving the food(s) you once hated. But I digress. Big time.]

Back to Jules Verne. Here are a couple of quotes from Jules Verne:

The Mysterious Island (1874): “Water decomposed into its primitive elements (Hydrogen and Oxygen), and decomposed doubtless by electricity, which will then have become a powerful and manageable force. Yes, my friends, I believe that water will one day be employed as a fuel.”

Paris in the Twentieth Century (1863): “Our modern cities, with streets a hundred meters wide and buildings three hundred high, and which are always maintained at the same temperature, and with the sky furrowed by thousands of aero-cars and aero-buses!”

Jules Verne predicted a lot of stuff. Water used as a fuel. Water-powered vehicles. Aero-cars. Aero-buses. In Paris in the Twentieth Century, Verne even predicts the internet (in telegraph form), televisions, the electric chair, calculators and high-speed trains which run on compressed air. Sounds like a bunch of 20th century hogwash, right? I jest. Many of his predictions have become a reality, and now it seems that Zero Pollution Motors has realized the vision of using compressed air as a fuel for automobiles. Here are some of the designs of the first air cars, cars powered by gas and air:

Air Car Designs from Zero Pollution Motors
Air Car Designs from Zero Pollution Motors

I know. I know. It’s more weird car designs. There must be some scientific law that states: “All cars with new fuel technologies must look really weird.” Regardless, ZPM is hoping to sell these cars in the United States as early as 2011, and the price tag will be $18,000-$20,000. That’s pretty good for a car that gets about 100 mpg and runs on compressed air and a small conventional engine. I dunno. I think it’s pretty cool. You can read more about it here if you want.

How the Air Car Works
How the Air Car Works

I like the idea of all of these energy efficient cars, but I’m still waiting for a perfected version of Mr. Fusion. Just imagine if Doc Brown hired the ShamWow guy to sell Mr. Fusion. I’d own four of them like five months ago!

Doc Brown Pours Beer into Mr. Fusion in Back to the Future
Doc Brown Pours Beer into Mr. Fusion in Back to the Future

I mean, I can run on beer. Why can’t a car? Just kidding. I don’t run. And I don’t drink beer. But I still think the notion of using trash as fuel is terrific!

Bonus: Just because you may want to know who invented the compressed air technology for cars – it was a dude named Guy Negre. Here he is, standing between two air cars from ZPM:

Guy Negre and 2 Air Cars from ZPM
Guy Negre and 2 Air Cars from ZPM

They don’t call this thing an Air Pod for no reason. It looks like an escape pod from a submarine. If only submarines had such awesome escape pods.

MDI Air Pod (Air Powered Car)
MDI Air Pod (Air Powered Car)
